The Dental Clinic promotes and improves the oral and dental health of children, ages 0-18. A Pediatric Dentist and General Dentists staff this clinic.
Services provided include the following:
- Exams
- X-rays
- Cleanings
- Fluoride Treatment
- Sealants
- Fillings
- Crowns (White & Stainless)
- Space Maintainers
- Mouth Guards
- Dental Health Education
- Pulp Therapies
- Nitrous Oxide
- Tooth Removal
- Atrium Health Stanly surgery privileges
Clinic hours and Office hours are:
Monday-Wednesday 7:45am-5:30pm
Thursday 7:45am-5:00pm
There are NO Clinic or Office hours on Fridays.
The phone number is: 704-986-3845.
Children and youth, ages 0 through 18, who are covered by Medicaid, private dental insurance or private pay are eligible for this program. A Sliding Fee Discount Program is available for patients who qualify. Our sliding fee scale is based on family size and income. Services will not be denied because of inability to pay. Contact the Dental Clinic for information and a sliding fee scale application.
The Stanly County Dental Clinic does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s race, color, sex, age*, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. (*Age is not an applicable discriminatory factor for pediatric, geriatric, or obstetrics/gynecology sites.)
Call 704-986-3845 Monday-Thursday from 8:00am-5:00pm to make an appointment.
Appointment Policies
A parent and/or legal guardian must be present at the child’s first dental appointment. You need to be 15 minutes early for your child’s first appointment.
Patients are expected to be on time for their appointments. If you are more than 15 minutes late for an appointment, you may be asked to reschedule your child’s appointment.
Broken Appointments
A broken appointment is:
- not showing up for an appointment
- arriving later than 15 minutes after scheduled appointment time; or
- failure to cancel an appointment with at least 24 hours notice.
Children with two (2) broken appointments will be dismissed as patients from the Stanly County Dental Clinic. You will be responsible for finding another dentist to provide dental care for your child.
Parents or guardians are responsible for calling the Stanly County Dental Clinic at least 24 hours before their child’s appointment to cancel.
Emergency Treatment Needs
- If your child has a toothache, you may give the pain reliever your child normally takes and call the Stanly County Dental Clinic to make an appointment.
- If your child has a swollen mouth or face, take your child to the closest hospital emergency room.
- If your child has been involved in an accident and sustained an injury to his/her teeth, call the Stanly County Dental Clinic during office hours. If the injury occurs after office hours, take your child to the closest hospital emergency room.
New Patient Packet – English
New Patient Packet – Spanish
Sealant Letter 2nd & 3rd Grade
Sealant Letter 6th, 7th & 8th Grade
We look forward to treating your child and working with you to help your child have quality oral health. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us 704-986-3845.